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Brand You Magazine > All Posts  > Parenting A Young Child And Running A Business by Tessia Watson

Parenting A Young Child And Running A Business by Tessia Watson

Is it possible to truly have it all?

Having a career and caring for children are usually two distinct areas that do not often mix. This is because they are two full-time jobs, which means that most of the time, a parent would either choose to find full-time childcare to be able to focus on work, or to leave work and focus on being a full-time carer.

However, nowadays flexible childcare options exist, like creches, and it is possible to be both mentally stimulated while running a business, as well as being fulfilled as a parent through watching your children grow up. It is the option that will require the most work and organisation, but it is also the one that will be much more rewarding.



To make it work, you must have reliable childcare, to be able to juggle the demands of both the business and your family.

You will also have to be ready to work around the clock – scheduling calls/meetings or catching up on emails when littles ones are in bed. Be realistic about what you can achieve – there are only 24hrs in a day! Don’t fall into the trap of setting yourself unrealistic targets or unrealistic expectations, and be prepared to make compromises, as unfortunately, time travel is not here yet, and you cannot be at two places at once, so hard choices will need to be made between great business opportunities and precious time with your kids.


As if all of that wasn’t enough already, you will also need to take time out for yourself!

Running a business and having a young child is overwhelming and challenging, it is easy to get too harsh on yourself, by doing what’s best for the business and your children, while forgetting your own needs along the way. Doing something just for yourself for a couple of hours a week however that will enable you to be more relaxed, have clearer thoughts, and be more present in your work task as well as with your children afterwards.

Being a new parent will also benefit your business growth, as: you are adding new skills into the team; you may have developed a new perspective on certain subjects; you are better at time management and efficiency; and you have the best motivating force – your children.

And your children will benefit from you working too, as: it will make your time together much more appreciated and valued; you will have more quality time together; and your children will also be able to develop their personality, social, and life skills in an external environment, which is vital for them.

Running a business is all about taking risks, dreaming big and accomplishing great things.

The pressure of having a family keeps the focus on making sure the projects pursued result in success, and the risks taken are smart ones. Everything you are doing and striving to achieve, you are doing for the benefit of your children. So, as long as you get the balance right and are happy with the priorities you have set yourself, keep going. Your children will be happy if you are happy!


A single mother of two young kids, Tessia quickly learnt that parenting is the most amazing experience but also that it can be unbearably tough without the right support. Recognizing her own need, Tessia created ‘Les Petits Bellots’, a bilingual crèche to support other mothers and enrich the lives of their children.

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