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Is Your Relationship Sabotaging Your Business? by Dimple Thekrar

Did you know there is one very important business hack that no business guru is talking about? 

And did you know, this one thing was key to me generating seven figures in my coaching business – as well as, to date, more than £40 million for my clients? Yes, those figures are correct! If you’re wondering why a relationship coach and mentor is talking about companies and bottom lines, let me explain.

It comes down to the one thing that everyone misses. And, for many years, I was the same: it’s your relationship with your beloved. Your day-to-day existence with your partner can have a profound effect on your business and how you move it forward. It can impact every element of you – from how you conduct meetings, to whether you achieve your goals. I’ll explain further.

When I left my safe, highly respected NHS job of 22 years to go all in on what was a part-time coaching business that developed into full-time, I hired a business coach to help me accelerate. Actually, I hired more than one business coach, and spent thousands of pounds. Yes, they all worked, but I can honestly say nothing they did, in terms of direction and advice, moved the needle of my income as much as what I’m about to share with you. 

It didn’t mean I had to compromise who I truly was, or my health, or my family. After this huge, life-affirming moment, I actually worked much more efficiently and in what I call ‘collapsed time’ – meaning that all my desires and goals became much more immediately achievable. 

I go much deeper into the exact methodology in my Quantum Marketing Method, but for now, I want to share the key gems that made my client, Tom, (a pseudonym) very successful.



Tom and his wife built a brilliant business over 30 years, from nothing. They were a team, and Tom reached out to me because over the years, he and his wife had grown apart, even though the business had thrived – it was all grind and hustle. 

He realised that he had neglected the marriage and wanted to understand how to communicate consciously with his wife and get back on track. He had been working on the sale of his company for three years and they kept getting close to selling it, but it never quite crossed the line. 

Now, bear in mind I was not hired to solve this problem – selling his business – but for helping him to create a deeper connection with his wife. We did three hour-long sessions remotely, teaching him strategies on how to communicate with his wife and heal his energy wounds. 

Guess what? After we’d completed that work, boom: the deal closed to sell his firm for £40 million.

I have many more examples of businesses that have stalled and jumped along, to suddenly running full-speed ahead when the relationship between the owner and their partner is resolved. 

Why does this work? Think about it. If you’re in a relationship and you have a fight with your partner, or there is the constant undertone of frustration or bitterness because of past words or actions, where is your focus all day? Is it 100% optimal at work or are you distracted?

We all have very strong attachments to people we love, and rightly so; these are called energy cords. They are literally like energy wires from your heart to theirs, and the more that person means to you, the thicker the cord. So when we fall out with that person, it’s almost impossible to detach because of the energy cords. We’ve never been taught about it; there’s also a lack of education on self-regulation of the nervous system.

All these things mean we go round in circles, repeating the same patterns over and over again. 

We keep on doing the same thing and expecting different results and, as we know, that’s the definition of insanity! In the meantime, your energy frequency has dropped, which then means you are a match for a low frequency in all areas of your life. 

This looks like having a sh*t day at work, then your children playing up, then you stub your toe and you get stuck in traffic on the way home. Basically, everything that can go wrong, does. Why? Because you didn’t know your frequency was off and didn’t know how to clean it up to start your day right. 


“Give what you desire first, then you become what I call an ‘energetic match’ for your desire.”



Here are three ways you can start:

  1. Be aware that how you feel attracts what you receive in your day.
  2. Whatever you desire in your partner, give first. 
  3. If you want to be heard by him, listen first to what he has to say with compassion and no desire to help him. 


Give what you desire first, then you become what I call an ‘energetic match’ for your desire. You are operating at a frequency of compassion and love, creating more codes of that between you.

Give yourself some grace and focus on what you did well. Gratitude is the ultimate frequency of receivership.

For some of you, this might sound very ‘woo’, but I want you to listen with an open mind. You may have tried other things in your business but have they worked? If yes, keep doing them, but if they feel inauthentic, they are creating a path of resistance and then you’ll need to get ready for stubbing your toe and reversing your growth at home, work and play! 

I have tried all the self-help strategies on the planet and invested more than £1 million to build my business and heal my marriage; nothing worked and had permanent, lasting results like this did.

Firstly, become aware of your frequency and the cords you have attached to you. Decide in which frequency you choose to operate and what to attract from your beloved and others. Work at being in that frequency daily, and watch how the world unfolds for you effortlessly in love, life and work.

It will feel like magic and you will start seeing results – like I have, and many of my clients.

Give it a try – what have you got to lose?


Article published in Brand You Magazine – Edition 32


Dimple Thekrar – founder of Dimple Global / Speaker / Author

Dimple is a world-renowned relationship coach and mentor working with millionaire entrepreneurs and couples to help rebuild their marriages. She has been featured in The Times, Good Housekeeping, The Huffington Post and the BBC.

Website: successschoolgroup.co.uk

Instagram: @dimplethakrar




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