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Join The Waiting List for SHOWTIME 2025 Join The Waiting List for SHOWTIME 2025 Join The Waiting List for SHOWTIME 2025 Join The Waiting List for SHOWTIME 2025 Join The Waiting List for SHOWTIME 2025 Join The Waiting List for SHOWTIME 2025 Join The Waiting List for SHOWTIME 2025 Join The Waiting List for SHOWTIME 2025 Join The Waiting List for SHOWTIME 2025


“It’s not just an event….it’s a mouvement!”

2025 date to be announced soon!

Join the waiting list for SHOWTIME 2025 today so you don’t miss out!


Watch the highlights….

What to Expect at SHOWTIME 2025

A powerful panel featuring our Cover Girls sharing their invaluable insights

A dynamic media panel exploring the world of Brand and PR today for women in business

Inspiring talks to fuel your entrepreneurial journey

Immersive masterclasses to sharpen your skills and knowledge

A fabulous Marketplace to discover exclusive female-led products

And plenty of networking opportunities to forge meaningful connections and collaborations


Discover the magic of PR and how it can skyrocket your brand’s visibility and credibility as our industry experts unravel the mysteries of media coverage.  Hang out with journalists, magazine editors and publicists who can open doors to exciting opportunities for your brand.


Grab a seat and join us on a thrilling journey through the narratives of unstoppable female entrepreneurs who’ve shattered barriers and risen to extraordinary heights in their industries! Hear their stories, learn from their challenges and embrace the wisdom they have to offer. Get ready to be empowered and motivated like never before!!


Dive into high-impact masterclasses and talks tailored to boost your personal brand, amplify your presence in the market, help you gain fresh perspectives and stay ahead of industry trends. So get ready to turbocharge your business to new heights with insights and strategies shared by highly successful female entrepreneurs.

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A big thank you to Albane McGuinness for the fabulous photos of SHOWTIME.  Website: Albane Brand Photography

Join the waiting list for SHOWTIME 2025 today so you don’t miss out!


Editor’s Welcome

From the moment I launched Brand You Magazine in 2021, I had a dream close to my heart: to create the ultimate Brand and PR event for women in business. Now, three years later, with unwavering dedication, strategic alliances and the growth of our incredible community, that dream has become a vibrant reality. Brand You has blossomed into the go-to media powerhouse for female entrepreneurship worldwide!

SHOWTIME is the ultimate Rendez-Vous of big thinkers and a celebration of the collaboration and empowerment that has fuelled every step of our journey. Every women you’ll meet at our event have graced the covers and pages of our magazine, their stories inspiring us all.

SHOWTIME is a one-of-a-kind, action-packed Brand and PR coup bursting with opportunities! We’re crafting the perfect space and setting the stage with an unprecedented convergence of the most accomplished female entrepreneurs, magazine editors, influential journalists, publicists and brand experts, all under one roof…….offering YOU the chance to create and seize every opportunity to help propel your business forward.

SHOWTIME is also a the perfect spot for female-led product brands to showcase their amazing products to a crowd of female entrepreneurs, increasing their brand’s visibility and recognition.

I’m still BUZZING from the success of our launch event, I’m sure you are too! What an amazing day and you were ALL such a big part of its success, and I can’t thank you enough for that.

Join our waiting list today to you can be kept up to date with all the details of SHOWTIME 2025!

See you all next year!

Olivia Marocco

Founder and Editor-in-Chief

Join the waiting list for SHOWTIME 2025 today so you don’t miss out!


Check Out the Brand You Marketplace!


 It’s the perfect spot for female-led product brands to showcase their amazing products to a crowd of female entrepreneurs at our SHOWTIME event.

Why be an exhibitor? Here are the perks:

Get Noticed: Show off your products to a super-engaged audience.

Network Like a Pro: Make valuable connections and partnerships.

Boost Your Brand: Increase your brand’s visibility and recognition.

Drive Sales: Reach new customers and grow your sales.

Don’t miss this chance to shine and grow your brand at SHOWTIME 2025 – Enquire HERE.

Cocorose London’s shoes worn by the Media Panelists

“It was an absolutely spectacular day full of energy, passion, and thought-provoking content. I thoroughly enjoyed catching up with both familiar and new faces, and I LOVED the opportunity of being a sponsor of the event!  It was such a bonus for Cocorose to showcase our award-winning collection of trainers and flats.  The day was made even more special by seeing Cocorose shoes in the audience and on stage – as well as being beautifully showed off at the photo booth. “

Janan Leo

Cocorose London

I was proud to sponsor SHOWTIME and can’t wait for the next one!

“The inaugural SHOWTIME launched in London was a powerful day of PR, branding and visibility. Me and my trusty travel jewellery boxes were in attendance and it turns out the SHOWTIME attendees are as keen on sparkles as me! My lovely stickers are now adorning the vision boards of many of the attendees. The show was full of inspiring panels and talks and was a day of love, vibrance, joy and connection. You HAVE to attend the next one – the FOMO is real! “

Jade Thomas

Jade Thomas Jewellery


Being a sponsor of SHOWTIME is more than just a logo on display. It’s your chance to shine and connect with a dynamic community of female entrepreneurs. Picture your brand featured in the spotlight, surrounded by inspiring women making waves in business. It’s a unique opportunity to showcase your business, make meaningful connections and be part of an unforgettable event celebrating female entrepreneurship.

Contact Us for Sponsorship Opportunities for SHOWTIME 2025

A big thank you to Albane McGuinness for the fabulous photos of SHOWTIME.  Website: Albane Brand Photography

Join the waiting list for SHOWTIME 2025 today so you don’t miss out!


Thanks to Our Brand Ambassadors & Event Partners

Our Undercover Journalist/InstaSnapper

Our VIP Hostess

Our Media Panel Captain

Our Event Time-Keeper

Our Photographer Extraordinaire

Our F&B Queen